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Table 1 Clones of Populus spp. established from cuttings

From: Early root development of field-grown poplar: effects of planting material and genotype



Populus deltoides Marshall × P. ciliata (Wall. Ex Royle) clone San Rosa

New Zealand (NZ)-bred vigorous clone, best suited to drier regions because of rust susceptibility; copes well with wind.

Populus deltoides Marshall × P. nigra L. clone Fraser

NZ-bred, very narrow tree with a light open canopy that casts minimal shade; light stems are prone to breakage at windy sites.

Populus deltoides Marshall × P. nigra L. clone Veronese

European-bred, straight-stemmed, narrow-crowned tree that has good drought and wind tolerance.

Populus deltoides Marshall × P. yunnanensis (Dode) clone Kawa

NZ-bred, narrow-crowned tree, resistant to browsing by possums; well suited to moist slopes but not to strong winds.

Populus maximowiczii (A. Henry) × P. nigra L. clone Geyles

NZ-bred, straight-stemmed tree with a narrow crown, high rust resistance; grows well on moist sites.

Populus trichocarpa (Torrey and Gray) clone PN471

European-selected, American balsam poplar, narrow-crowned tree for slope stabilisation and gully plantings; not recommended for planting on windy and exposed sites.